Ecommerce Starter Course

Ecommerce Starter Course

Ecommerce Starter Course

If it is your fist time selling online or you are looking to re-platform this is the course for you.  Our trainers have been designing and selling online since 1996. We can save you hours and many thousands of euro costs.

Topics covered :

  1. Different selling models
    1. b2b ecommerce
    2. b2c ecommerce
  2. Choosing your selling platform/s
  3. Search Engine Optimisation considerations
  4. Comparing payment providers
  5. Shipping methods, Logistics Integration for Ecommerce
  6. Grants and Funding
  7. Budgeting
  8. GDPR for Ecommerce Data protection
  9. Fraud and Security
  10. Choosing a designer/ ecommerce company
  11. Choosing the correct Ecommerce Hosting
  12. How much you should expect to pay for your ecommerce website


At the end of the course you will leave with :

1. a business plan with real numbers

2. selected your platform/s to sell on

3. selected the most suitable payment options

We run these courses nationwide in conjunction with the Local Enterprise Boards and Chamber of Commerces.

Upcoming dates are : 

TBA. In the meantime if you would like us to come to yuor area please let us know.

By | 2019-01-16T10:22:16+00:00 April 24th, 2017|Ecommerce Training|